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Hollow glass microsphere applied to deep-sea pipeline

2015-05-07 01:38:11 2282

Currently, deep-sea exploration and development mainly in diving technology, the use of submersible, underwater robots in the deep sea observation, measurement, sampling, install the necessary instruments and facilities, operations, and other underwater.In order to increase pressure resistance, structural stability dive drag body, diving and underwater robots, and to provide sufficient net buoyancy, people started to develop high-strength solid buoyant material to replace the traditional ball buoyancy and pressure buoyancy tube.High strength solid buoyant material is an important part of modern diving technology, to ensure the buoyancy of submersible, submersible increased payload, reduce its dimensions plays an important role.

When the actual buoyancy material requires long-term immersion in water, the requirements of its water, pressure, corrosion and impact. In particular, for each additional 100m depth in the ocean, the pressure will increase by an object about 10 atmospheres ie 1MPa.Therefore, advanced solid buoyancy material should be both light and strong, that is, in the case of maintaining a low density, a substantial increase in compressive strength, but often reduced density while pressure is also reduced.

Hollow glass beads is a lightweight multi-purpose non-metallic materials, light weight, mild, good insulation properties and other unique features, it is the development of submarines and underwater robots and other submersible, strengthen national defense construction, deep-sea resource exploration and exploitation of new materials, known as "new space age materials."

In recent years, the expansion of deep-sea in deep water exploration and production in the pipeline for controlling the flow of long-distance transmission and heat in seawater job loss has quickly become a major technology investments.Early, deep tunnels just painted some black paint, but the insulation performance is very limited. With a series of alternative materials and rapid development, especially in the application of high performance glass beads to reduce thermal conductivity and reduce deep-sea oil and gas recovery feasible.With the deep undersea oil pipeline requires the development of deeper and more to geographic location requirements increase. When depth and stressful environment, usually filled with glass beads apply foam insulation, which makes deep-sea pipeline to extend long 50km or farther underwater.

Currently the use of hollow glass microspheres filled polymer synthesis deep strong buoyancy material has been applied in foreign countries.According to reports, the current foreign developed high compressive strength, low density buoyancy material is an epoxy binder, filled with hollow glass beads and a large number of additives, such as lightweight composite buoyant material used in deep-sea submarine, in the deep seaIt can withstand high pressure, and in the basic conditions for a long time does not absorb moisture.Although China has been carried out in this field for many years of research, but in terms of diving with buoyant material properties are still lagging behind the international advanced level.

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