After “Silver ammonia solution activation method” and “colloidal palladium Law” spot pretreatment coating surface obtained little silver-plated hollow glass microspheres, coating is smooth, indicating that the use of “colloidal palladium Law” and “Silver ammonia solution activation method “preprocessing can prepare high silver content, coating evenly silvered glass beads, the reason is the quality of hollow glass microspheres smaller, limited floating in the solution of the upper layer, the contact area with the pretreatment solution,The “three-step” pre-treatment process step more, each step will bring some loss, so get a lower content of silver and silver-plated hollow bead coating uneven.”Silver ammonia solution activation method” and “colloidal palladium Law” On the one hand is “sensitizing and activation” step, reducing the losses and the impact of Step by Step; on the other hand, “silver ammonium activation method” is used as an activator point, “colloidal palladium law” is used palladium as active sites, which makes it easier for the silver particles deposited on the surface of hollow glass microspheres, so after “silver ammonium activation method” and “colloidal palladium law” prepared by plating pretreatment silver plated surface of hollow glass microspheres are more uniform, smooth.