Whispering gallery modes (WGMs) in a liquid-filled glass bubble are a fascinating area of study in photonics and sensor technology. WGMs are optical phenomena where light waves travel along the circumference of a circular or spherical structure, undergoing total internal reflection. When the structure is a glass bubble filled with liquid, the interaction between light and the liquid medium inside can lead to unique optical properties and applications. Here’s an overview of WGMs in liquid-filled glass bubbles:

Key Concepts

  1. Whispering Gallery Modes (WGMs):
    • WGMs occur when light is trapped in a circular or spherical dielectric structure by continuous total internal reflection.
    • The light waves circulate along the inner surface of the structure, creating resonant modes.
    • WGMs are characterized by their high quality (Q) factor, meaning they can trap light for extended periods, leading to strong resonance.
  2. Glass Bubble Structure:
    • A glass bubble is a spherical shell made of glass, which can be filled with a liquid.
    • The refractive index contrast between the glass and the liquid creates conditions for WGMs.
  3. Liquid Medium:
    • The liquid inside the glass bubble affects the refractive index and the overall optical properties.
    • Different liquids can be used to tune the optical resonances and sensitivity of the system.


  1. Biosensing:
    • Liquid-filled glass bubbles with WGMs can be used to detect biological molecules.
    • The presence of specific biomolecules can change the refractive index of the liquid, shifting the WGM resonances.
    • This shift can be detected and used to quantify the concentration of the biomolecule.
  2. Chemical Sensing:
    • Similar to biosensing, the system can be used to detect chemical compounds.
    • Changes in the chemical composition of the liquid alter the refractive index and WGM properties.
  3. Temperature and Pressure Sensing:
    • The physical properties of the liquid inside the bubble change with temperature and pressure.
    • These changes affect the WGM resonance conditions, allowing for precise temperature and pressure measurements.
  4. Optical Filters and Lasers:
    • WGMs in glass bubbles can be used to create optical filters with narrow linewidths.
    • They can also serve as microresonators for lasers, where the liquid can act as the gain medium or tuning element.


  • High Sensitivity: The high Q-factor of WGMs leads to enhanced sensitivity to changes in the refractive index.
  • Versatility: The system can be adapted for various sensing applications by changing the liquid medium.
  • Compact and Integrated: Glass bubbles are small and can be integrated into compact optical systems.


  • Fabrication: Creating uniform and precise glass bubbles can be challenging.
  • Stability: Maintaining the stability of the liquid and preventing evaporation or contamination over time.
  • Complexity: Analyzing and interpreting WGM resonance shifts can be complex and requires precise control.

Whispering gallery modes in liquid-filled glass bubbles offer a powerful platform for various sensing applications due to their high sensitivity and versatility. By carefully designing and controlling the glass bubble and liquid medium, these systems can provide precise measurements of biological, chemical, temperature, and pressure changes. Despite the challenges, advancements in fabrication and optical techniques continue to enhance the capabilities and applications of WGMs in liquid-filled glass bubbles.